Friday, May 31, 2013

Wedding Cake Topper DIY

     Sorry, it's more wedding prep talk.  So, future hubs (fh) decided he wanted cup cakes for our wedding instead of a traditional stacked cake.  I am cool with that.  But, he still wanted the fancy cake top to cut and attempt to plaster in my face (he thinks I am not on to him).

     I went on line and started looking at the cake topper things. I picked out a few generic ones that are nice and present the options to fh.  He mentions that he wants one that is custom or kind of a caricature of us. So I research and find the ones made from polymer clay can ran between $200-400.00 depending on the level of detail.  He nearly choked but was still considering it. On etsy the one we liked was going to be $280.00 plus a good $65.00 shipping from Korea. I told him I would give it a shot.
   I had never touched polymer clay before but thought it might be fun. So I buy a bunch in the colors I need, watch a few youtube videos on it and I am ready to get started.  Really wasn't that hard.  The worst part was the suit jacket for the fh caricature.  The little pocket sash and collar was the hardest part. All in all is was kind of fun but took me about 10 hours.
        Fh is a big golfer and we live on the 9th hole of a golf course.  Hence the golf club in hand and the 9th hole flag. The flag is actually a chop stick I had sitting in a drawer that I painted black and with the yellow/black polymer clay square glued to it. The 'green' is actually a wooden disc I got in some gourmet cheese months ago and thought, "what a perfectly round/flat piece of wood. I should save it in case I ever need it for something". This is actually the colors of his suit, the flowers and the design of my dress.
I am going to have to do a little touch up in the golf club because at this point it looks a bit much like a gun in its current state. But I am happy with the way it came out and it cost me about $40.00 to make.