Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My fist Blog,...whaahoo!

   Okay, so here is the first entry in my official life of Blogging.  My intent is to share the things that make me laugh, piss me off, ruffle my feathers and make me stop and go,...'Aww, wtf, that is so sweet, or how can people that stupid live". 
   Today not much ruffled my feathers other than the chic across the street that lets her beagle puppy out at 6:30am to pee and leaves him out for 40 mins while she showers and he barks/howls non-stop.  Now mind you he is a cute little bugger, she however is clueless. His name is 'Tiny', they got him from the pound about a year ago and I am guessing they thought he was going to be just that, tiny.  Well, he grew into a normal sized beagle so they leave him chained up to the front porch for hours howling.  They got an itty bitty replacement dog that is apparently the acceptable size (in their eyes) and that dog is carried around, fussed over and is only seen outside long enough to pee (In her pink little doggy jacket).  Poor Tiny on the other hand shivers on the front porch curled into a ball alone in the dark (no doggy jacket mind you).

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